Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dare to create!


Our friend, April.

Friendship is important

Drum dancing: these are Tuk's traditions

Our Culture is Important.

The weather.

Shayne Cockney (Tuktoyaktuk)

1) What is your most memorable moment of yesterday?
The last square dance at Kitti Hall.

2) What are your hopes for the future of the NWT?
More independence and more cultural programs.

3) What are your hopes for the weekend?
To have fun, get through it, basically make the Beluga Jamboree worth it!

Emily Esau (Sachs Harbour)

1) What is your most memorable moment of yesterday?
Weird dreams!

2) What is your hope for the future of the NWT?
Accessible and affordable housing for young adults.

3) What are your hopes for the weekend?
I want to learn about different approaches to motivate youth.

Chantell Nogasak (Tuktoyaktuk)

1) What is your most memorable moment of yesterday?
Doing the workshop. It's been fun since I joined.

2) What are your hopes for the future of the NWT?
More programs and activities for young kids.

3) What would you like from the weekend?
More knowledge. I am still trying to figure out what I want, so more knowledge and stuff helps.

Jeanette Kakfwi (Fort Good Hope)

1) What was your most memorable moment of yesterday?
The drum dancing. Seeing a new culture and tradition.

2) What is your hope for the future of the NWT?
No pipeline.

3) What are your hopes for the weekend?
To have fun and make the weekend go by so I can see my boyfriend.

Paul Rivard (Inuvik)

1) What is your most memorable moment of yesterday?
Seeing the drummers dance and do their stuff.

2) What do you want for the future of the NWT?
Younger generations keeping their culture and traditions strong.

3) What are your hopes for the weekend?
I hope everyone has fun and I hope we retain what we learned from other people and their thoughts and what they want for the North.
The Road in Tuk.
The Land is Important.
Davie and Dustin on the mats at Mangilaluk School Gym.
Natasha and Kayla at Drum Dancing at Mangilaluk School in Tuk.
Natasha and Shari coming off the plane in Tuk.

Miranda Kowana (Aklavik)

1) What is your most memorable moment of yesterday?
Meeting all the other students and playing all the games.

2) What would you like to see for the future of the NWT?
More self-government

3) What are your hopes for the weekend?
To have fun and make it home safely.

Shari Ruben (Paulatuk)

1) What is your most memorable moment of yesterday?
Drum dancing and seeing people.
Being here and the break away from home.

2) What would you like to see for the future of the NWT?
Less drinking and drugs.

3) What are your hopes for the weekend?
Seeing family, finishing the course, looking forward to going back to Inuvik.

Natasha Green (Paulatuk)

1) What is your most memorable moment of Yesterday?
Flying to Tuk

2) What would you like to see for the future of the NWT?
People stop smoking up.

3) What are your hopes for the weekend?
To have fun and make it home safely.

Davie Lawrence (Aklavik)

1) What is your most memorable memory of Yesterday?
When we got onto the airplane.
2) For the future of the NWT, I would like to see....?
I don't know!?!?!?
3) What are your hopes for the weekend?
Have fun, meet new people, and visit family.